
Measuring growth with course-specific math tests

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How NWEA measures growth using the course-specific math tests.
MAP Growth reports measure growth for students who take course-specific math tests the same way as we would with MAP Growth tests in any other subject: by subtracting the RIT score for the test taken at the beginning of the comparison period from the RIT score for the test taken at the end of the comparison period.

For course-specific math tests, growth data is available for the fall-to-winter, winter-to-spring, and fall-to-spring comparison periods. 

The Growth Over Time chart is not available on the Student Profile Report for course specific math.

Percentiles and growth projections in reports are based on the course-specific math user norms released in December of 2022. 

For more information about course-specific norms, please see these three documents: 

Norms Overview Documents:   Full Research Report:   

What happens if a student takes two different types of math tests in the same year?​

Each course-specific math assessment is considered its own subject, distinct from general math and from other course-specific math assessments. This means that reports will not calculate growth between two different types of math tests taken in the same year. 

If a student takes two math tests (for example, Math 6+ and Geometry, or Algebra I and Geometry) during the same test window, the Family Report and Student Profile Report will display results in the mathematics for the most recent test, as defined by the test start date. On all other reports, both test results will appear but on different pages or sections. 
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Measuring growth with course-specific math tests

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