
Where can I find the Norms Study and related documents?

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Where can I find the Norms Study and related documents?
The NWEA 2020 RIT Scale Norms Study and related documents are located in the MAP Help Center under Your Data > Growth + Norms, or at this link: Growth and Norms. At this link you can find:
  • Norms overviews, such as the 2020 comparative data or Spanish Reading user norms overview
  • Full research studies, such as the 2020 Norms Study, MAP College Readiness Benchmarks, and Average Test Durations
  • Course-specific norms studies and tables

MAP Reading Fluency user norms are available here: 2022 user norms for MAP Reading Fluency Foundational Skills domains.
Article Overview
Where can I find the Norms Study and related documents?

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