
Which norms are used for high school math (formerly end-of-course) tests?

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Which norms are used for high school math (formerly end-of-course) tests?
User norms are available for all course-specific math tests (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Integrated Math 1, 2, and 3). Although they are user norms and not nationally representative like the general MAP Growth norms, they provide contextual information about student performance and growth on these course-specific assessments.

For more information about course-specific norms, please see these three documents:

Norms Overview Documents:  Full Research Report: 

Are course-specific norms available on MAP reports?

Yes. MAP Growth reports show percentiles and growth projections for course-specific math assessment results based on the course-specific user norms.

If a student takes two tests in the same subject (e.g. Math 6+ and Geometry, or Algebra I and Geometry) during the same test window, the Family Report and Student Profile Report will display results for the most recent test, as defined by the test start date. On all other reports, both tests will appear but on different pages or sections.

Are the course-specific norms dependent on grade?

No. Unlike the general math norms, the course-specific norms do not change based on grade. The course-specific norms are designed to support inferences about student performance on the MAP Growth Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 assessments. To make sure the norming study represents all students who took a subject-specific mathematics course, students in grades 6-12 who took a course-specific test in either the 2017 or 2018 school year were included in the sample. This approach allows educators to compare the results of a student to fellow students in the same course, regardless of grade. If a student has a higher RIT score than another student, they will receive a higher percentile rank regardless of grade. For example, a RIT score of 210 on a course-specific math test will always indicate higher relative performance than a RIT score of 200 on the same test.

For more information, see the full norms study online here: Achievement and Growth Norms for Course-Specific MAP Growth Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Tests.
Article Overview
Which norms are used for high school math (formerly end-of-course) tests?

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