
How to modify instructional weeks

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Your organization is able to specify the number of instructional weeks before each testing term. You can specify this by district, or by each individual school.
To get the most accurate growth and percentile data, you can configure the number of instructional weeks before each testing term in MAP. Each term can be modified as follows:
  • Fall: Between 0 and 15 weeks
  • Winter: Between 16 and 25 weeks
  • Spring: Between 26 and 36 weeks
For instructions on configuring these dates in your MAP Suite, see: Date Setup Before Testing. When configuring the number of weeks of instruction, do not include weeks where students aren't receiving instruction, such as holiday breaks. Changes made to instructional weeks take immediate effect on reports.

What if my instructional weeks aren't available?

If your organization tests outside of the available weeks, choose the closest week. If your school's actual number of instructional weeks before testing is different by 1 or 2 weeks, the effects on percentiles and growth projections are small. If the difference will be larger than 2 weeks, you should interpret your students' growth projections accordingly. You can also try using the Achievement/Growth calculator, which supports a broader range of instructional weeks. See the Research Studies section of the Norms Resources in the MAP Help Center for a link to download the calculator.

Can we set different instructional weeks for schools that test at different times?

Yes. You can adjust these weeks at the school level or the district level, just as you can adjust testing windows. See Set School-Specific Test Dates section in the MAP Help Center.

When can I update instructional weeks? Can I update instructional weeks for previous academic years?

You can update the instructional weeks at any time, for any term, even if the test window is complete.

Required Roles

In order to modify instructional weeks, users must have either the System Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator role assigned in MAP Growth.

See also:

System Information
How to modify instructional weeks

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