
Why are grade level mean RIT, growth projections, or percentiles different between reports and norms documents?

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Why are grade level mean RIT, growth projections, or percentiles different between reports and norms documents?
If you have set custom weeks of instruction for your school or district, the grade level mean RIT, growth projections, and percentiles are customized based on your organization's testing schedule. Generic NWEA documentation assumes the default weeks of instruction: 4, 20 and 32 weeks of instruction for fall, winter and spring testing respectively, and 36 weeks for the next academic year.

You can see the weeks of instruction in the upper right corner of most reports:

Screenshot of the header of a class report, with the weeks of instruction highlighted

See also:
Article Overview
Why are grade level mean RIT, growth projections, or percentiles different between reports and norms documents?

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